Franklin PTA 2023-2024 Executive Board
Shavon Smith-Simons- President
Nicole Tisdale- Vice-President
Michelle Anastos- Treasurer
Gladys Mongo- Secretary
Susan Dilollo- Membership Coordinator
Thank you to all of the families that have joined the PTA.
Have you joined yet?
Please join PTA to show support of the work we do locally and the work we do collectively to help children, families and schools. We rely on our members to volunteer their time and skills. Every individual who joins PTA helps not only his or her own child, but every child. Click
here to join.
Virtual meetings are being held through Google Meets. Please check ClassDojo for the most current link. If you are a parent and don't have access to ClassDojo, please contact Dr. Lampert at [email protected]. If you are a community member and would like to attend, please contact Mrs. Dilollo at [email protected].